Friday 26 January 2018

Nimble fingers. (and toes, arms, legs)

Nitendae had always been impressed with the strength of the boybarian Volkon. Even more so when enhanced with the magic gauntlets he wore.
It got him thinking if it was possible to enhance strength, maybe it could also improve dexterity.
If Nite' could improve his dex' most of his skills would benefit.
So waiting for after the evening prayer to finish he approached the Abbot.
"Given thought to this 'boon' you offering, done a bit of looking and there's these gloves of dexterity.
Should be damn useful my line of work. Whats' the chance you could make it happen?"

(Gloves of Dexterity +4. 16000gp)
(shame they don't do +5. 25000gp)


  1. The Abbot smiles. This is a small request and I'm sure our sources will be able to find what your asking for.
    (Nitendae gains a pair of Gloves of Dexterity +4!)

  2. if i just wear the left glove is it +2 or is my left side better than my right??

  3. Instead of asking for an item can I ask for an introduction to these mysterious "sources"?
