Friday 26 January 2018

Craven Ravens

“They’ve spotted us!” shrieks Lobber to his clan brother Flob.
Urgently shoeing the messenger ravens into the air, the two goblin scouts mount their loyal worgs and attempt to ride to safety.
There’s already over a hundred feet between them and the humans but they still instinctively duck as a volley of arrows zip over their heads.
The arrows however are aimed at other targets…
The ravens!
The goblins grin at each other though. No way can anyone hit scattering ravens at this distance.
In the last few seconds, the ravens had already added another couple of hundred feet distance and were rising higher and higher into the air…
And then one is struck!
Spiraling as it tumbles back toward the earth, it’s obviously already dead.
The second raven’s black body is pierced and killed mid-air a moment later.
Without looking back, the goblins realise that they’re dealing with more than just one talented archer.
“Fuuuucck!” screams Flob to Lobber as they urge their wolf-like mounts to greater speed.
Soon though, Lobber’s Worg rushes past with its saddle empty …
Glancing over his shoulder, Flob sees his spear-brother face down, dead in the dirt.
Unfortunately for him though, he doesn’t see another arrow heading towards him until it penetrates his skull.
Sensing their own doom, the two Worgs discover an extra burst of speed and manage to put enough distance between them and the cursed archers.


  1. ah this makes sense of when I heard Bill & Ben talk during the weekend. Did I miss a little weed?!!

  2. I love this post - it puts a real face on the scum we murder.
    But, now that David has pointed out the Bill&Ben link, I love it even more.

  3. i can see a coat of arms in the future.
    'the scum we murder' rampant on a field of graves.

  4. Actually, that was a very deliberate use of words.
    They are scum - orcs working for an evil master. No contest there.
    But we did kill them in cold blood. Murder.

    The only reason I believe we, as a largely neutral-ish good-ish party, did it was self-defence. If they (or the Ravens) had got back word of our arrival, we could have died in the approach to the keep.

    And, hey it's D&D !

  5. I still feel conflicted about burning Akbar to death while he was trapped in a tiny closet room. Sure, he was an evil worshipper of the undead, but BURNING SOMEONE TO DEATH is pretty hectic!

  6. Actually, that whole moment was really funny and then suddenly very, very dark.
    I guess one of us will write about it at some point in the near future...

  7. Maybe one of us has already started...
