Monday 23 January 2017

Good boy Greyclaw!

Reading through the books yesterday, I spotted a potential problem for Volkon.

Unlike ‘Familiars’, ‘Animal companions’ are merely loyal animals and as such need handling and training.

As Greyclaw has a whopping intelligence score of: 2, he can learn 6 tricks normally plus 1 for being a Druid’s: ‘Companion’.

So as Volkon is starting at 3rd level, I’ll allow you automatic training success and assume that he taught Greyclaw all his 6 standard tricks during the previous few years.

This means Greyclay can start the game with 7 already trained tricks.

Your choices can be found in:

Page: 74 of the Players Handbook

Have a look and let me know what you chose.


  1. Exciting - I hadn't noticed that at all.
    I shall find time tonight to peruse the rules on Page 74 and update my character sheet.

  2. Saw your choices and glad to see you chose 'Track'. If you'd selected that trick before I rolled your survival start, you'd have done quite a bit better.

  3. Hey! I'd like to should "Not Fair!" but you are DM.
    I will settle for not killing me off before we actually play.
