Saturday 21 March 2020

Scrolls, Potions and Half-truths

Passing through the secret alchemy chamber, Bastien notices Lady Sybille's shoulders stiffen at the sight of her opened cupboards and looted stocks of scrolls and potions.
Slightly embarrassed, he apologises and signals Nitendae to return everything that wasn't used.
"Forgive us your ladyship. We took them only in the hope they might have assisted us in your rescue."
The beautiful women pauses for just a moment.
"Some of these potions and scrolls have enabled me to retain my secret over the decades. A secret I fear, I must maintain forever."
Captain Dunn coughs.
"Don't concern yourself my Lady. The lads and I have been talking and we think we've figured out why you look so young and we don't mind in the slightest. It's nothing to be ashamed of... You, you're like the boy here... You're a Half-elf!"
Nitendae's jaw tightens at an unbidden memory. No half-elf could bleed so long or freely as he'd seen Lady Sybille do on that sacrificial altar.
Whatever she was, it wasn't an elf.


  1. Nite' looks at Captain Dunn, is he so naïve or just really loyal.
    Putting his back against a treasure chest he calls over, give us an hand guv 'dragon' this chest outa 'ere

  2. It's funny. Scott created Lady Sybille (hidden daughter of Thereanthor) while DMing one of our old campaigns but managed to avoid mentioning anything metagamey from our very first session. I was quite impressed by that act of heroism.

  3. Heroism?
    Or sheer forgetfulness?

  4. I'm going with 'heroism'.
    I don't think you suffer from Assif's or my defective memoriy.
    Assif pretty much wrote his entire PhD dissertation about it.

    I think I recall?

  5. I think you've forgotten how forgetful I am!

  6. I have a PhD?
    Seriously though you just have to look at the module cover ... 😂

  7. As players, you all knew about Lady Sybille's dragon heritage. As characters, you had no more than unsubstantiated suspicions.
    I had to question myself about my certainty of you going back to university for longer than I should have.
