Sunday 27 October 2019

Spreading the word

He’d seen Bastien use two of these strange marbles now, and so knew how to set them into orbit around his head. Still, Demitasse was unsure how it’d feel or what he’d gain from his intelligence being heightened. Would he feel smarter? Would he suddenly know more?
Flicking the small, scarlet and blue Ioun stone into the air, it immediately veers back and adopts a tight rotation around Demitasse’s dark, curly hair.
He blinks twice. There’s no great revelation. His understanding of the universe doesn’t suddenly expand… And yet something has changed.
Seeking out Sereena, he asks her if he seems any different?
The dusky sorceress’ eyes narrow for a moment, as she takes him in.
“Well, you don’t look any different but I’ve never heard you speak ‘Draconic’ before…”

Demitasse learns to speak ‘Draconic’, ‘Infernal’ and ‘Goblin’.


  1. I'm happy with all that but not heard from Bastien or Volkon about their item preferences

  2. I did mention Volkon's preferences. Basically the ring of pro +3 and the silver arrows. But seeing as Nite wants those too, along with LOADS of other things, I guess we could split ;)
