Monday 28 October 2019

Simple things

Marlon turns the traded warhammer over in his hands. It’s a good weapon. A king’s weapon and frankly, in his chunky, human hands, a better weapon than the one he ‘traded’. Despite that though, he feels somehow cheated. His old one was fancy, with ornate carvings in the head and gold embellishments on the handle. This ‘new’ one was functional but dull.
On seeing her slump-shouldered friend, Sereena sits down beside him.
“What’s wrong Marlon?”, she semi-teases.
Missing the gently mocking tone, Marlon turns toward her and presents his warhammer.
“Do you think that dwarven king swindled me?”
Taking her time to examine the weapon, Sereena meets his eyes and smiles.
“From what I understand, your old hammer was enchanted for dwarven hands alone and this one, though lesser to them, is greater for you. It’s a powerful weapon and you should be thankful for it.”
The beefy Marlon smiles at the reassurance.
Sereena continues, “Also, this one doesn’t come with a ‘make-you-hairy curse’ and suits you much better.”
Marlon’s brow furrows. “You mean it’s like me; sturdy and reliable?”
The young sorceress laughs as she jumps up and dances away.
“No, you fool. Like you, it’s plain and simple!”


  1. Since you described Serena as sort of like Genie from "I dream of Genie", I sort of like her a lot more. More playfully cheeky than sassy, gothy bitch.

  2. aah I also dream of genie...;-)

  3. I dream of genie vs Bewitched. Discuss.

    Just kidding.
    Genie wins hands down.

  4. Actually, I was fully in love with Elizabeth Montgomery.
