Wednesday 3 October 2018

The Third and Final Offer

While everyone's eyes are still fixed on the fortune of diamonds in their hands, the sandal wearing; Abbott Elphic quietly enters his library and coughs.

“So, there you have it. I'm afraid there isn’t much I can offer beyond what's already been given for your on-going destiny.  It's imperative though, that you leave soon. It’s still twenty-nine days until the blood moon, but even on horseback, it’ll take you twenty-three days to get there!”

The elderly priest looks down at his toes.

“Why the gods have chosen the seven of you, I cannot imagine, but fate mustn’t be ignored or dismissed. Even the Axis of evil have acknowledged that your interference seems to be the main, if not only real obstacle to their plans.”

The old priest catches himself. He's not here to add more pressure.

“I will have the best horses available, here by tomorrow morning and any additional equipment you require. The grey elf Soffic must meditate and prepare himself tonight but he'll be ready for the gifting ceremony at first light.”


  1. Yes I know; diminishing returns right?
    Here's a miraculous life enhancing change.
    here's a pocketful of diamonds.
    Here's a horse, a canteen of water and some beef jerky.

  2. You can't east miracles or diamonds.
    Jerky and horses on the other hand...
