Monday 22 October 2018

A Great Big Hug of Thanks!

Just wanted to thank everyone for joining me at the Cottage of Doom this weekend.
Thanks to Scott for bringing his wipe-downable map and running the initiative order for me.
Thanks to Assif for cooking a fantastic and not too mild at all curry.
Thanks to David for moving furniture and tidying up.
And a special thanks to Bob for jump starting my car on Monday morning.


  1. And massive hugs right back at you mate!

    Glad you had Bob to get you going again. You should carry a Jump-start battery with you for such occasions!
    I have this one:

  2. Yes, I think that I'll need an emergency survival kit until I can ever afford a new car.

  3. I have one of those... It powers the motor that pumps water from our reservoir into the mini boiler that we still don't have had for so doesn't work anyway!
