Monday 17 September 2018

Leaving it too Late, Date Proposal?

Morning Boys,

Time is slipping by, so I thought I should suggest another date...

Saturday 20th October 2018!

Can everyone make it?

I promise a cottage full of fun, adventure, beer, spirits and cola plus meals and snacks a plenty!


  1. I have nothing planned that weekend. But it still will have to be "sold" as I am away in Portugal on a golf jolly the weekend before.
    But, in principal, yes.

  2. Portugal!
    Whatever you say about my working hours, I'd still swap lives with you.

  3. Despite being away the weekend before, I'm in.

    Assif, don't "sell": "tell"!

  4. You pair of jet-setters!
    How about you David?
    Away the weekend before?
    Free the weekend offered?

  5. sounds good for me, nothing exciting planned for October so could be just the thing I need:-)

  6. Damn! Now I'd better finish the bloody thing...
    You three re-familiarise yourselves with your characters, while I'll post up a few appetisers.
    Check in every now and then until the game...
