Tuesday 25 September 2018

Is this quote taken?

Nitendae's head is in a spin, the stories of Dragons and Demons fantastical and hard to believe for the young 'back lands' half-elf. But he thought he saw understanding and recognition in some of his friends eyes.
The elf, Soffic of the Grey, reminds him of the venerated old ones from his home and Nitendae feels an automatic trust for his words.
The gnome though, is too similar to the shyster they met on their first adventure and while they both tell the same story the young half-elf is more sceptical of the gnome - not so much his words but more so his reasons and motive.

Nite' knew he would agree to the pairs request as soon as they'd mentioned the secret trap filled underground route. He is not the strongest of the group but what he does have are a very particular set of skillsskills he had acquired over a very long career. Skills that made him a nightmare for people with riches that they thought secure.

Once again in his favourite place on the roof, back leaning against the warm bricks of the chimney, his mind wandered. Oh he knew they would need more planning and discussions; who were the other 'good' factions, information on the 'evil' ones, trap descriptions but for now Nitendae dreamed of how amazing it would be if death lasted a few moments only....

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