Wednesday 21 February 2018

Module: 4


  1. Bravo Dude. Bravo.
    Loving Vulkan's red-head front and centre ;)

    Disposable? Not disposable, just treated with utter disdain (at least by me!)

  2. Thanks Assif,
    I was originally going to have the three of your characters running away from the monsters, so as to show your faces, but that was a whole other campaign.

  3. I like that not only have you done an amazing job as ever teasing our next adventure in such a visual, graphical and funny way, you have also given us a clue as to how to get these evil sons of bs to come to us!
    Time to plan a player made set of traps and monsters for them. Give em some of their own medicine. Once we deftly steal their shoes, I think we start by getting them to the Church of Flaarrrhgaann and letting the high level cleric dudes at them!

  4. Great stuff, love reading it through a couple of times to spot the funnies.
    'all jams preserved'

  5. Everyone like the fact I saved the blue cover for the Blue Dragon themed module?
    You'd probably think I deliberately planned it that way!
    You'd be wrong!

  6. ok, so is Thereanthor a blue dragon from previous Fissa?
    If so then yes cool use of blue.....;-}
    I really dont believe we under value the henchy's. Also think we do try and look after them in adventures...:-(

  7. Yes, although that would have meant nothing to you.
    The 'Black cloaks' who appeared in the last adventure, were the remnants of the evil cult that brought the ancient blue Dragon and a demonic Balrog into Fissa.
    (See original posts from last year.)
    I think that Nitendae and Bastien care for the 'henchies' but Volkon?
    Not so much.

  8. Its role play after all. Im running with it. For Volkon people win trust by their deeds. Bastian is a good friend who has stood beside him in battle as has the stalwart Marlon. Demitasse is a healer that puts himself before others. Note and Volkon have history and he has learned to trust the rogue. Serena however is still outside that circle. Volkon doesn't trust sorcery and doesn't yet trust her. She should be in the kitchen. Its a barbarian thing. It's the way he's been brought up.
