Friday 2 February 2018

Have a sack - will travel

It’s a few weeks later, that Marlon is instructed to bring the sentient sack to see the Abbot.
They find him sitting beside a large crate. Two initiates standing either side of it.
“Hello boys”, the old cleric smiles.
The big warrior and magic bag answer together like an almost echo.
“Hello-o sir-ir”.
Rather than feel special, Issack has always felt cursed. A magical haversack granted intelligence and a desire to travel but forever dependant on those that carried him.
He’d been trapped in a dark, wet cave with the rotting cadaver of his previous owner for months, before he’d been discovered by his current ‘masters’.
They weren’t a bad bunch and Marlon, bless him, was a kindly soul and had even sacrificed his reward for him.
Issack’s attention snapped back to the Fharlanghnian Abbot.
“Your request was quite a testing one. There was a way but the level of arcane skill required proved extremely expensive and time consuming. Worse, it provided us with more than we… You required…”
Marlon scratches his bovine-like jaw. He was barely understanding what was being said and he felt like he needn’t be there. This was nothing to do with him now.
The old Abbot continues speaking, not realizing that Marlon’s attention had already wandered away completely.
“Still, your request was virtuous and we found a way…”
With a gesture from the Abbot, the two young priests, wrest away the front of the crate to reveal the contents…
It’s a marionette.
A giant marionette, made of wood with ironwork hinges and joints.
Marlon grins.
“It’s a puppet!”
Issack is about to speak, when the ‘puppet’ steps forward.
“This is our reward to you Issack. I’ve instructed it to obey your commands and your commands only. It’s not designed for combat but will carry you tirelessly whenever and wherever you want to go.”
Suddenly, for the first time in his life, the usually unflappable Issack is speechless.

Issack receives a permanently animated wooden Mannequin. It’s relatively slender, stands loosely around 5’10”. It is skillfully crafted and cleverly jointed, especially the intricate fingers. The face though, is simply carved with metal studs for eyes and a line for its mouth.


  1. 'its not designed for combat' but could it stab someone while they sleep?

  2. Just to reassure everyone...
    Issack is not evil!

  3. So, we have a new NPC!
    Welcome, Issack the Independent.
    Will he join us, or just go off with our loot?

    You are unusually generous and caring as a DM toward all of your creations. Abandond Orcesses, Riderless-Worgs, and even Intelligent Back-packs.

    And now we have a construction worthy of the Dag-created Gnomes and their flying ships ;)


  4. He'll join you but in a very pacifistic way.
    Walking and talking but not risking his new body unless there's something in it for him.
    Weirdly, as an animated object or a talking bag, Issack can't use many magical items.
    Rings don't work and he can't drink potions etc.
    All he can really do, is help those that can.
    He's not evil and has no Machiavellian scheme.
    He's really just a semi-useful comedy sidekick.
