Thursday 11 July 2019

A really bad start

Amazingly, despite the cave-in and the frenetic battle against both the Orc guardians and assorted dark forces of evil, all seven of you are still alive.

After joining forces with the surviving orcan warriors, you managed to drive out the Drow, the Death-worshippers and the Black-cloaks. You even managed to kill their Dragon disciple leader, all six of the evil Duegar dwarves and the Ogre zombies.

The priests Bastien and Demitasse, managed to heal all your wounds before they prayed to their chosen gods and slept. They even curried some good will by healing many of the thirty-odd Orc warriors trapped with you.

A group of about a dozen of those orcs now stand guard at the gaping tunnel mouth with several torches semi-illuminating the large, rubble strewn cavern.

It’s been slightly over eight hours since the last encounter and, despite the crushing feelings of despair in your stomachs, everyone in the Party are spell ready and fighting fit…


  1. So if I remember correctly, we can either wait for rescue by King Orc Obdurate - who will be less than pleased with us; or we can follow the tunnel out behind the fleeing 'baddies'
    Does the crushing feelings of despair affect how we can behave? Or are we free to be the self serving of type...

  2. To me it sounds like a clean slate and setup for a whole new adventure!

  3. Well, yes and no. Same characters, same setting and same villains but you're all a level up, fully fit and all your spell slots are free.
    It's a bit weird for me as DM to have all the characters (despite not being good) actually wanting to altruistically defeat the big bad and save the world.
