Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Eye see no other option

Nitendae sat in the empty library, he could of entered at a normal time but liked the solitude when it was closed. Also there was no librarian to frown at him when he wanted to look at the rare arcania tomes.
There were a few general entries regarding Beholders but the older rarer tomes had more detailed information.
It seemed that the Beholder 'pet' that currently hovered over the inn was devastation and destruction in one handy eyeball. Nite' felt that the creature had suffered enough being controlled and abused. He had first thought to release it somewhere or gift it to some worthy institute but now realised that the only safe option was to terminate the creature.
He knew that even shackled and controlled it would be no easy task to kill, especially now his friends Bastien and Volkon were out of town.
But first he had one last job for the beast, a final message to send to the thieves guild leader. A firm reminder that he and his friends were off limits and that Nom-pariel was big enough for both of them.


  1. A stark warning, a demonstration of power and then (without letting Valois know) the destruction of the creature?
    Good job!

  2. Yes killing it is the only compassionate course. Not compassion for the monster - for all the adventures that it had yet to kill.

  3. Aha. Probably for the best...!
