Saturday, 11 April 2020

Best Encounters

As we've touched on our collective bad memories, I'm wondering what you remember of the campaign?
Are there any stand out encounters or conversations?
For me personally (in order of adventures) I liked:

The Hiss

Regardless of the castles and lizard-men, the broken staircase to the small stack island portal and the underground flume at the beginning of the adventure was my favourite bit.
I loved how pragmatically you handled both these obstacles, going so far as riding back to the city to hire carpenters to jerry-rig a bridge!

Also, giant crocodiles!

Oh and the unintentionally important 'Hole-in-the-Wall' Inn.

The Dead of Knight

The 'bells-in-their-chests' skeleton alarm defenders and Bastien's shock critical hit death at the hands of the Zombie ogre knight,

The Gauth (Mini Beholder) combat over the pit on Coffin Butte. The clever use of the 'Ever-smoking bottle' made me laugh.

A Conspiracy of Ravens

Again, it was the minor 'Dove theft' at the beginning of the adventure that made me smile. That and the meeting with the beautiful but dangerous Valois (Undisputed leader of the Nom Pariel Thieves guild).

The sacking the fortified tower was very exciting and the failed Gnoll passageway ambush encounter was great fun too! (What kind off single-file marching order includes 5' gaps?)

Actually, my very favourite encounter was the two Goblin spies, their two racing Worgs and the two messenger ravens!

I also LOVED the brief, horrendous but ironically hilarious, firey death of Lord (It's a trap!) Akbarr!

Thereanthor's Skull

The Bad End Inn. Just all of it!

In this one, I enjoyed the Gnomish puzzle and trap secret route to the Orcish trophy hall. It was scary but joyous and it also let Nitendae shine in a prolonged non-combat situation.

Akbarr's Revenge

This was the oddest of adventures for me. I was impressed with the Party's ruthless solution of how to destroy the Dragon skull despite its thirty elite orc guardians. Orcs who had allied themselves with you. It was both dastardly AND the absolutely right thing to do.

I also liked the Otyugh dung mountain encounter and the underground Kingdom of the Duegaur with the cowardly dwarven guards.

Beneath the Underdark.

Lots to love in our last adventure.

The sprawling town encounter featuring the return of Awrongun (Evil speed Ranger, roof leaper and middle finger flicker), Ubriz (The 'good' Paladin of the Lords of Light, Right and Might) and a collection of burning skeletons and evil Death-cultists.

The Undead Wight house of horrors featuring the return of Indigo, Slater and Dunn.

The second flaming death of Lord Akbarr AND Volkon in the oil filled, multiple windowed cavern of certain death.

And the verticaly stacked end boss battle featuring the Drider Fluetin and (Finally and as promised) a proper Beholder!

Anything I missed that you enjoyed? Let me know in the comments section below...


  1. Probably because my memories not so good, I remember the last one best.
    Chasing Awrongun around the houses, watching him and Volkon sprint from one point to another but never quite meeting, then finally getting the kill shot.
    Most of the combats I remember consist of me working myself into position just in time to watch Bastien and Volkon kill em all.
    It was fun to teleport onto the driders back and help kill him and the trepidation of controlling the eye.
    From an older encounter the picking off of the ravens and wolf riders was impressive, range archery has quite a phenomenal distance.
    I was pleased that the plan to split the 30ish elite orcs worked and that you were kind enough to let them charge back rather than murder Sereena and Nite'
    Folklore will remember the first death of Akbarr, trap in his little cubby hole then taunted and burnt to death-ish.
    Pleased when Nite' actually grew a pair and attacked the heavies victimising Rosie and the subsequent buying of the place.
    Need the nudge to remember some of the other encounters.

  2. Awrongun was brilliant fun from the start. I found his Tolkienish stolen name hilarious. A wrong un hidden in plain sight. He was the closest NPC to my heart. The tosser Ranger that I would love to play if I could ever surpress my 'how can I help you' gene. He only appeared twice but will remain a fun memory.

  3. The gauth was great. As ever a perfect set up in favour of the defenders by a clever DM. If anything I tihnk that's Kirk's characteristic DM style. He goes for realistic scenarios not comic book silly ones.

    The first Akbarr encounter was great - or at least the end to it was. I thoroughly enjoyed springing the Dispel Magic trap on Akbarr (and Kirk!).

    And I enjoyed that about the last encounter too.

    I think it's a player's job to ruin the DM's plans as much as possible :-p

    And I just always enjoy throwing a little chaos into the system!
