Thursday, 9 April 2020

Ascension through Ambition

Demitasse's presentation to Cardinal Quondam had gone as well as he'd hoped.
Better even!
He'd honoured his promise and been a good and loyal servant to the armoured Bastien, despite their differing faiths.
He'd managed to keep everyone alive... Mostly. And, with their help, succeeded in averting a potentially Fissa changing event.
But now that was over and, although he'd grown to like and admire his teammates, he'd always known that his duty was here, back in the Nom Pariel Cathedral of Pelor.
The faith he'd shown in his god would not go unrewarded and he was now just waiting to be informed of his new position.
He'd always been ambitious and had made no secret of his desire to achieve a high position within the church. Being sent away hadn't been part of his plan but he'd accepted it gracefully and his powers had expanded accordingly.
The grand, ornate, golden doors swing open and three of the church elders totter out, followed by Cardinal Quondam himself.
"Young Demitasse, you have done well, saved the world and brought great honour to the house of Pelor. In honour of this, although unprecedented, we are promoting you straight to the position of Arch Bishop. "
The young cleric is grateful for his dark, curly beard, as it prevents his elders spotting the toothy smile hidden behind it.
This promotion elevates him to a good position. A great position. A rank from which he can easily ascend to be Cardinal himself.
There are currently two other Arch Bishops senior to him but with his lifespan extended as it is, he can afford to be patient and await his turn.


  1. probably not meant but I sense evil mechanations, with Demitasse stroking his beard "I can afford to wait but soon I will be next to god" mwa mwah mwau

  2. These meetings with the elders of the church make wonder how powerful these clerics are. Are they epic level? What did they do to get there? Just pray a lot?

  3. Both interesting points...
    Does being ambitious equate to being evil?
    Probably, in my opinion.
    Do holders of positions of authority within government and church have to actually possess physical, magical or spiritual power?
    I'm guessing more so with clerics than nobles?

  4. Does being ambitious equate to being evil?
    Surely that depends on what the ambition is?!
    But if the ambition is to be the head of the church, then yes... Evil through and through!

    I can just see the next crusade starting, a new emblem emblazoned all over their shields and apparel, dedicated to their new leader Demitasse... A half empty chalice of course ;-)
