Friday, 10 April 2020

A Cast of Thousands

Although we've all (Scott mostly just out of politeness) accepted that memory is none of our strong suites, I'm wondering if any of you had a favourite ally or villain?
Straight out monsters such as the Trolls, Otyugs and Guaths, not included.
Did anyone of the myriad NPCs garner a proper emotional response or were they all just flat, paper nonentities?
I'll list the ones (in order of appearance) that I enjoyed DMing and you can let me know what you thought.

Adventure 1: The Hiss

Hedzor: Tricksy Gnomish wizard shyster and owner of 'The Where-house'.

Duke Nultze: The Castillion of Nom Pariel who hired you to transport jewellery to Fewham and to assassinate King Zorris of Squamata.

Count Vunker: Master swordsman and the voice in the ear and chief enforcer of Duke Nultze.

Rosie: Browbeaten but hardworking barmaid of the 'Hole in the Wall' Tavern/Inn.

Slater: Friendly Soldier of the Fewham guards.

Indigo: Another friendly Soldier of the Fewham guards.

Captain Dunn: Silver haired, surprisingly old Leader of the Fewham guards.

Magistrate Sagen: Lady Sybille's trusted, if elderly and slow speaking advisor.

Therissa: Noble High priestess (and later Queen) of Squamata (Lizardfolk)

Battach: Dwarvern miner (Eaten by a giant crocodile).

King Zorris. Mad egomaniacal leader of the Squamata (Lizardfolk).

Prince Gov-El. Evil/Creepy would-be usurper of the Squamatan island nation (Lizardfolk).

Fluettin: Sinister 'Drow' voice in the dark. (Spotted through an ornate but small grate.)

Adventure 2: The Dead of Knight

Cannon Quondam: Head priest of the Nom Pariel Pelorian cathedral.

Dunken: Brutal but legal Owner of the' Hole in the Wall'.

Rob: Chatty highway man.

Mugsy: Rob's half-orc partner.

Lugdum: The orc hireling (Left behind on Coffin Butte).

Granet: High priest Death-cultist. Instigator of the Pelor monastery massacre.

Adventure 3: A Conspiracy of Ravens

Stab-hands Stevi: Knife-handed protection money collector for the Nom pariel Thieves guild.

Nelson: Enforcer for the Nom Pariel Thieves guild.

Montebank: Successful Silk merchant.

Valoise: Mysterious and beautiful leader of the Nom Pariel Thieves guild.

Oomoola: Sturdy Orcess ranch worker, beaten and captured by Gnolls.

Lord Akbarr: Evil knight and leader of the Death-cultists.

Abbot Elphick: Head of Bastien's hidden monetary (Keeper of the 'Shoes of Fharlaghn).

Adventure 4: Thereanthor's Skull

Saggassos: Messy but elder Gnome of Mount Snaffang.

Soffic: Ancient and powerful Grey Elf adviser.

Lee: Human owner of the 'Bad End Inn'.

Van: Half-Orcan owner of the 'Bad End Inn'.

Cleef: Orcan owner of the 'Bad End Inn'.

Ma: Ogress bouncer of the 'Bad End Inn'.

Awrongun: Mysterious Ranger and one-night-stand of Sereena.

Thumsk: Orc warrior (battling Gnolls and asked for your help).

Obdurate: 'All-chief' of the combined great orcan horde.

Teela: Dragon-disciple sub-head of the Black-cloaks.

Vludmila: Clever Drow priestess.

Staunch: De-facto leader of the pit surviving 'Elite orc guards'.

Adventure 5: Akbarr's Revenge

Edrab the (previously) bald: King of the Duergar dwarves and trader of a 'King's weapon'.

Adventure 6: Beneath the Underdark

Ubriz: Pompous paladin of St Cuthbert (and member of the lords of Light, Right and Might).

Kole: High priest of the Death-cultists

Lady Sybille: Damsel in distress with dark secret

Actually, I'd be pleased if you just remember meeting any of them!


  1. 1st get more sleep....
    I remember most names if not for why. A few stick out though;
    Hedzor - most annoying and I'm sure a railroad bit of the adventure.
    Rosie - I've come to call the Hole in the wall home
    Valoise - due to her being more directed to Nitendae
    Awrongun - never been so happy to kill someone
    Obdurate/ Oomoola/ Lugdam - orcs have become 'people' not just monsters, felt touch when they vouched for us
    Lady Sybille - nice to have such a powerful and rich benefactor.

    1. While thinking up this stuff, my mind goes way deep into the fictional details. Way, way too deep.
      You all know that the 'Hole in the wall' inn was such named because of the big hole in the front wall but that wasn't it's original name.
      The 'etymology' of the name goes back three or four steps...
      It was originally called 'The Old Fox after it's original red-headed owner. Dunkan's brother Bernard.
      Considering its location at the edge of the slums and crime alleys, it became known as 'The old Fox hole'. A place for people on the run to lie low for a while.
      After Bernard met his 'accidental' death at the hands of Dunkan, it was allowed to fall further and further into disrepair.
      Rosie, (Bernard's fiancé) did her best but Dunkan drained all the profits despite her protests.
      When one of the walls collapsed, some wag unofficially rechristened it; 'The Fox hole in the wall', which was later further abbreviated to just; 'The hole in the wall'.
      I know. I have the madness!

  2. When I first played this game as a teenager, my play style wasn't that different. I was still a shocking coward but a bit of a power gamer.
    In this campaign I realised though, that D&D is really more of an opportunity to do fun voices, sing and act.
    The titular gnome Hedzor was a good natured hustler but didn't have much of a voice.
    I liked Rosey. She enabled my mumsy nature to come out. Not sure why she was from 'Cornwall' though.
    I loved the Drider 'Transylvanian' Fluetin. So arrogant and exasperated at your ongoing interference.
    Weirdly, I enjoyed playing the thug Dunkan and I was glad when the Party stiffed him out of the Inn.
    The smart but weasley Stab-hands Stevi was also fun, as was his mysterious and sultry boss Valois!
    I also liked Oomoola the broad beamed orcess. She was surprisingly noble.
    Lord (it's a trap!) Akbarr turned out to be the fun recurring, ever 'worsening' villain.
    Awrongun was the Ranger I'd play if I was a total douche. What a vain shitbag! :D
    The Drow priestess Vludmila probably flew under everyone's radar but I liked her. She survived three encounters with the party due to her pragmatism and survival tactics. I'm glad she made it to be one of the final (vertical) combatants.
    Finally Ubriz. The pompous, bombastic paladin that I'd been trying to introduce since the third adventure. Scott and avoided being the cliché 'healer' cleric and it was fun trying to push him back into that role.

  3. Listing the characters out like this makes it plain just how much you put into these campaigns, so for that, thank you.
    It's amazing how much I connected to some of these characters. Oomoola was so larger than life and such a joyous character that I could not begrudge her leaving with a chunk of our loot.
    The orcs in general were a surprise. Although I can't remember them all now, save Obdurate and Lugdum who you mentioned above.
    The villains were rendered so sharply in focus that they became true adversaries. Fluettin and Lord Akbarr stand out for me.
    Even those that were not outwardly villains, still had selfish and varying motivations which made them more than story shapers. Abbot Elphick, Lady Sybille, Valoise. All wonderful characters.
    Lastly, the thing that will stick with me most is the comedy and popular references.
    Abbot Elphick giving us Boons - brilliant. Lee, Van and Cleef bad owners of the Hole-in-the-wall, Awrongun, and of course the two-faced little gnomish wizard Hedzor - for whom this website provided the name ;)
    Bravo, my friend. Bravo!

  4. Indeed, all the puns were great - and I love DnD for the in jokes it gives rise to.

    Akbarr was fantastic for that "It's a trap!" and just a genuinely brilliantly cliched (in the best of ways) moustache twiddling, over acting, recurring nemesis: You can't kill a band thing!

    Ubriz geniuinely wound me up. Not Bastien... Me. Scott. Genuinely wound me up!
    His stupidity, pomposity, arrogance, and reluctance to listen to reason is pretty much everything I despise in people! Well done Kirk for yanking my chain!
