I was really impressed how you all played
over the weekend. You surprised me again and again and, after successfully
finishing off the adventure, you all deserved to go up another level. Even
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as I did!
Bastien +10,434 = 29,556 8th level!
Volkon +9,884 = 32,036 8th level!
Nitendae +9,434 = 31,466 8th level!
Marlon +5,017 = 11,849 5th level!
Demitasse +4,467 = 10,468 5th level!
Sereena +4,317 = 11,149 5th level!
Divide up the treasure, choose your ’30,000gp
or less boon’ gift from the Church of Fharlanghn and redo your character
sheets. Also, don’t forget to add that bonus attribute point!
I do expect a short story about the ‘boon’
you choose though.
Huzzah. There's a nice choice of spells at Level 8 ;-)