Thursday, 9 March 2017


You battled Orcs and Lizard-men, overcame evil bridges and endured watery flumes to assassinate a mad King, re-establish trade deals and liberate an oppressed people.

Listed here are all your current experience levels, including the forgotten bonuses for overcoming obstacles, Assif’s 80’s cartoon quiz, the eye-spy forest, method acting bonuses for Nitendae when he guarded his stash instead of ‘gathering information’ and Scott’s superior combat tactics.

Volkon: 10,294

Bastien: 10,044

Nitendae: 10,044

This means (as it was always intended) that all three of your characters are: Level: 5!

As it was the first time out for all of your characters; re-jig away with the additional knowledge of five levels of fun.

That is; if you guys fancy doing this again?



  1. Great! Level 5!

    I think, though, that you might have meant Level 4 :P

    And, of course I want to do this again!

  2. I got all excited and almost started looking up level five spells!

    After a couple tweaks and a new spell level, I'm up for continuing for story at some point.

  3. Hold the front page!!!
    I have just seen that your "WHOOPS!" comment was accompanied by an edit of the main post.
    10,000+ exp!

    We. Are. 5th. Level. !!!!!!

  4. For reals!
    I'm just sorry you didn't get to enjoy levelling after the flume of doom!

  5. So how much of a re-jig of Volkon will you allow?
    I was thinking of making him single classed instead - but haven't decided on Barbarian or Druid .... probably Barb - I like hitting things :)

  6. Again, I reiterate my apology.
    Volkon was sub-optimum, he was just a level below what he should have been for the encounters.
    That said, you have total freedom.
    Remember that you also get an attribute point boost at 4th level.

  7. Sorry. Just noticed my typo...
    ' Volkon WASN'T sub-optimum.'

  8. He kinda was though.
    The barbarian in him restricted what the druid could do (no healing when raging) and the druid restricted the barbarian (no metal armour). And I had to spread my abilities among 4 abilities instead of 3.
    More than that he had an identity crisis - was he a fleet-footed fighter or an area controlling spell-caster?
    Anyway - I'm going to take the "total freedom" part as an opportunity to single-class him. I may go for the Barb - but I am still really consdering the Druid - although there are no magic items in the haul that would have suited him - not that that should influence my decision!
