Friday, 17 November 2017

A Hole lot of Profit

As you’re all (except Demitasse) staying in ‘The Hole in the Wall’ while in Nom Pariel, your basic living costs are reduced to nothing. In fact, since the previous owner: Dunkan has stopped milking the profits, ‘The Hole in the Wall’ is actually making money for you..

The Tavern daily profits on food and drink

Ale: At 3cp per Mug = 2gp per day
Food:  Cold at 1sp =  2gp per day
Food:  Hot at 2sp =  2gp per day

3 x Rooms for rent: 5sp per night = 0gp
(All rooms occupied by Party)

Sub-total profit = 6gp

The Tavern running costs

Costs in on food and drink = 1/3 = -2gp

Sub-total profit = 4gp

Local gang (The West-Side Slum Lords) ‘protection’ = 1gp per day

Sub-total profit = 3gp

Rosey’s salary = 3sp per day (and a room)

Sub-total profit = 2.7gp

Two cleaning girls (Luxina and Omona) = 2sp per day each = 4sp

Sub-total profit = 2.3gp

Building works:

Ricky the carpenter and Perry the mason
(working budget 3sp per day for ongoing repairs…including materials).

Sub-total profits = 2gp

Annual City tax =  5cp
(% dependant upon business type, zone and proximity to city centre.)

Music: Dillon the beardy lutist plays for just drinks, food and tips.

Food and drink for the five party members = 1gp, 1sp, 5cp

Total Average Daily profit = 8sp!


  1. i'm sure you do these things just to think up names; Luxina and Omona is there a joke I'm missing?
    Surely the west side gang should off been the Slumin' Sharks
    I may just retire and watch the silver pour in

  2. LUXina and OMOna?

    Surely the interweb is your friend here?

    Due to my miss-wired brain, most of my NPC names have some sort of obvious, obscure or jokey link to reality.

    I watched 'The Punisher' on Netflix last week and just sat waiting for the joke!

  3. Also 50 bonus XP to anyone who works out the references for Ricky, Perry and Dillon.

  4. I don't deserve any XP to know that Richard "Ricky" Carpenter played piano while his sister sang. And Perry the Mason is just a shlock detective in another life!

    LUX and OMO though - I have no idea

  5. Washing powder.
    I refuse any XP for this though!
    Internet is cheating :)

  6. You can't not accept bonus experience!
    Volkon gains an additional 100xp on top of the 100xp Assif earned for the 'Prints/Prince spot from the last module cover.
    I can't believe the Lux and Omo brands weren't obvious from the cleaners though!
    These bonuses were aimed at Scott though, to make up a bit of experience ground after being demoted a level last adventure.
    There are two (very) obvious references still to be found from Module K3 and the 'who's Dillon' question from the above post...

  7. Yeah - I shouldn't have said anything.
    But I'm just like the kid in class who just has to raise his hand when there is a question. Can't help myself!

    I'll shut up about Dillon.

  8. You know what you should give experience for though?
    Story-telling out-of-game.
    David and Scott would have earned enough to go up another level.

  9. You've guessed about Dillon?
    I accidentally spelled it incorrectly.

    The hand-up-in-the-air is just you wanting to prove that you're the smartest kid in the room.

    XP for story telling?
    That's actually a pretty nice incentive.

  10. Do it - they deserve it!
    Might actually make me post something too :)

    (I may want to prove I'm the smartest kid in the room, but we all know it isn't true)
    BTW - that was me seeking approval
    God I am psychologically immature!

  11. I might...

    50xp per post plus bonuses for LOLs and cleverness?

    Your weigh smarterer then I are.

  12. are we still looking for the Dillon connection?
    Cuz in a roundabout way its pretty magical...

    now have I been clever or just plain wrong;-}
    I know that at least I'm the oldest in the room... :-)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Whoops!
    Was doing something for my Pa!
    50xp for Nitendae!

  15. I would have said the other "Dylan" but then again, that rabbit was based on him ...
