Tuesday, 28 January 2020

A Hexology Worth of Experience.

The sixth and final adventure is done and the campaign over, but never let it be said that I didn't give out your hard earned experience...

Ironically, given that I'd forgotten up until Assif reminded me, you all really did go up to 11th level after the second spell-stitched Wight battle.

The next set of encounters (considering the loss of your henchmen) tested your collective skills to their limit!

The Death Knight; Lord Akbarr and the funnel kill-zone Black cloaks, revealed itself to have been an 'overpowering' encounter. Good job for defeating him and getting past them!

After the last 'Very difficult' encounter and winning several experience bonuses along the way for things like: Finding secret doors... and then, resealing secret doors behind you. Or working out the fee to be paid to gain entry to Lady Sybille's hoard... and then for Volkon being actually prepared to pay it. Oh, and a nice 'Mission completed' bonus, you finished as you'd hoped...

Volkon: 67,682 xp = 12th level!

Bastien: 66,091 xp = 12th level!

Nitendae: 67,052 xp = 12th level!



Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Music and Games

Just a couple of days to go before our final cottage-of-doom-apade.
As usual, I've over egged the adventure and probably kill you before you get to the middle.
Scott, please bring your lino matt map thing and some wipeable markers.
I found my video camera and tripod but no power cable but if Scott doesn't mind bringing his one, it might make for a few recorded memories.
Also, I always forget to bring music. Anything you want, possibly even appropriately atmospheric?
And lastly, in case of that possible/probable scenario coming to pass, please also bring some of your brain injuring four player board games.
You're all welcome to stay Sunday night but pre-lunchtime leave on Monday.
See you three soon!

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Eight days until your final doom!

Just a week to go before our final adventure! 
Beers and cokes in the fridge, clean sheets on the beds and the adventure 'already' half written!
Looks like I'm going to be busy this weekend!
I'll be driving down on Friday but not until very late as I'm collecting family from Heathrow airport in the afternoon.
I should be at the cottage around 9pm if David fancies joining me to help set up tables etc.
Otherwise, everyone please join me as soon as you're able on Saturday morning. 
Traditionally Assif and Scott have turned up around 1pm-ish but you're welcome to come earlier.
I'll be back from the shops and walking the dog and set up by 11am at the latest.
On Sunday, we can play until I kill you all, as I'm not planning to leave until Monday morning. That way, I can keep on drinking on Sunday.
As last sessions meal was too bland for Assif's tastes; any suggestions / requests?