Thursday, 26 October 2017

The ‘double edged’ D20

For the sake of ease and speed of game play, we collectively decided to forgo the second dice-roll required to confirm a critical hit.


Unfortunately, the advantage gained worked more for me (The DM) and all my monsters than for the three of you (especially Scott).

As, has been loudly noted, the monsters get to roll a lot more dice than you.

Do we want to reconsider this decision?

Ultimately I prefer the ease.


But then, I would, wouldn’t I?


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

I a Sack the Darkness!

After pressurising you all (especially Scott) into giving poor, sad Isaack a skeleton body, I inadvertently encouraged you to (due to the 'evil spell' issue) give him a Golem one instead.
A skeleton is medium sized, has about 8 Hps and does a weapon’s worth of damage.
The weakest core golem is the Flesh one.
Flesh golems are huge, have 80 odd Hps, are immune to most spells and can go berserk in battle, therefore freeing itself from Isaack’s (and Bastien’s) control.
I was looking to give you a useful and tireless but ultimately harmless, comedy assistant, not a potentially disastrous mega-monster in your midst.
Might be fun though.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Lesser Beholder vs A Bunch of Cheats

One of my favourite moments of our last game was watching the three of you panic at the thought of facing the Beholder of ‘Coffin Drop’.

(Coffin Drop… LOL!)

I’d only included it because Assif, in an optomistic moment, had mentioned that he fancied battling one.

Still, after including a reference to it on the second module cover, I actually read up on them.

They are properly terrifying!

A monster, it seems, designed for TPWs (Total Party Wipes). Unfortunately I felt committed to its inclusion.

Then I noticed the poor Gauth.

Looks like a Beholder but with only a quarter of the calories.


Just before the second assault, I wandered off to make some tea, while you all considered your plan of action.

I returned, with loaded tray, ten minutes later to catch you all intently reading through the Beholder entry in the Monster Manual.

You’d spotted what I had and meta-gamingly guessed my unwillingness to use the proper Big-bad.

I should have punished you for your cheekiness but your plan was really good and ultimately successful.

Frankly, I’d expected you all to have looked up the Beholder, and therefore Gauth, on-line before the weekend.

Also, I was really relieved that you survived unscathed. Especially after the previous Ogre Zombie fiasco.

Friday, 6 October 2017

A Third Date with Deathtiny…

Hopefully, you’ve all enjoyed the D&D ‘Cottage of Doom’ sessions as much as I have.
If true, Do you fancy playing again and if so; when?
Pre or Post Christmas?
I’m happy with any ‘Yes, we’d like to play again’ responses.
Although, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already been thinking about the next adventure, I’ve only just started putting pen to paper, and that’s just me considering the new module cover.
I’ll need at least a month to finish writing/planning it.
So far, I’ve got a working title, an idea for the main antagonist and the first draft of cover blurb.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Keep your Rubies Close and your Emeralds Closer

After counting and recounting her platinum, gold, silver and copper coins, Sereena smiles, stretches and sighs.
With a room to herself, she’s spent the better part of the last week sprawling in piles of it but now she’s finally found the will to make the decision she’d been procrastinating over.
She can’t abide the thought of the magical bag; Isaack holding on to it all, so she needs to exchange the bulky and heavy coins into easily carried gems and jewellery.
She’ll take a hit on the exchange but, hopefully, her charm and stubbornness should minimize the loss.
On the upside, she’ll look absolutely fabulous!